NEWS:High tech test for MARINE KEYBOARDS KT-96 WATER RESISTANT is born, the new range of KEYBOARDS SEALED. | A new product is born:KT-SENSOR the CAPACITIVE KEYBOARD with programmable setting. |You can point to reduce environmental impact through the "RETROFIT" and "RESTYLING" of those products in the industrial automation... KT-DIGITAL-M: OPTICAL MOUSE with programmable rotation...
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tastiere capacitive


KT-Sensor: Model:Touch Night

  • minimum level: simple touch of the finger
  • maximum level:the touch of a device with a work glove

Capacitive overview

Capacitive keyboards are equipped with innovative touchscreen technology that allows interaction through simple surface touches. Capacitive keyboard keys can be used through glass, plexiglass and other electrically inert materials.

Main features:

  • keys programmed by the USB port through a special interface software
  • self-calibration
  • pressure-sensitive settings: calibration can vary from a simple touch of the finger to the touch of an operator wearing gloves
  • bounce rate settings
  • easy-clean surface
  • lifetime warranty on electrical contacts and connections
  • reverse-side glass printing

capacitive keyboard
product customization
  • backlighting
  • vandal-proof surface
  • laser-engraved logo
  • antimicrobial treatment
  • digital printing of graphics
  • audible warning
  • degree of protection: Customizable from IP 51 to IP 65
  • Rotary and linear sliders for electrical connectors

Round or flexed surfaces are possible using flexible, capacitive circuits.

Directions: K-tronic S.R.L. Production and Sales of Industrial membrane keyboards.
Via Alessandro Volta 31, 10040 Druento TO
Tel: (+39) 011/9941705 Fax: (+39) 011/9845281