NEWS:High tech test for MARINE KEYBOARDS KT-96 WATER RESISTANT is born, the new range of KEYBOARDS SEALED. | A new product is born:KT-SENSOR the CAPACITIVE KEYBOARD with programmable setting. |You can point to reduce environmental impact through the "RETROFIT" and "RESTYLING" of those products in the industrial automation... KT-DIGITAL-M: OPTICAL MOUSE with programmable rotation...
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In order to meet the customization requirements of all clients, K-TRONIC stocks all semi-finished products including; screen prints in various colors and languages, mechanical components, pre-assembled electronic boards, and a complete range of interfaces with micro-controllers.

In January 1998, after tremendous growth and continued development, a new production unit was established in Druento (Turin), covering an area of 530 m2. A mechanical department for the production of keyboard brackets was also created in order to complete the automatization and enhance efficiency of the production cycle.

Continued growth necessitated the recent move to a larger plant (1200 m2), thus allowing K-TRONIC the opportunity to bolster its past achievements with even more ambitious goals for the future.

Currently, K-TRONIC's production processes take advantage of the following advanced technological tools:

  • digital printers
  • screen printing machines
  • photocopiers for the photoengraving of printed circuits
  • electronic cutters
  • oven bays
  • laser cutting machines
  • punching machines
  • vertical pantograph
  • sanding machines
  • bending machines
  • three-dimensional models of printers for rapid prototyping
  • resin vacuum casting systems for plastics and elastomers


K-TRONIC's main goal is customer satisfaction. We achieve this by constantly improving the production technology, staff training, supplier qualification, machinery and equipment efficiency, and safe environmental management practices.
Our company has been rewarded various times for its commitment to environmental protection and the highest production standards.

Hereby, we would like to highlight the corporate guidelines for quality, environmental protection, and work safety, in order to share our goals and achievements with our stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, public institutions, etc.).

K-TRONIC's corporate guidance policy:

  • To comply with the legal regulations and, where laws and regulations do not exist, to follow standards identified with a sense of responsibility.
  • To spread a philosophy that promotes quality, respect for the environment, and safety.
  • To prevent pollution, safeguard the environment, reduce energy consumption, emissions and production wastes.
  • To enhance and empower our employees; a key element in the achievement of our corporate objectives
  • To optimize the production process in order to achieve a competitively priced, quality product that complies with the requirements of the clients and exceeds their expectations.
  • To use equipment, resources and raw materials thoughtfully and rationally, while considering their impact on the environment and their potential risk to health and safety.
  • To develop and extend information, communication, education and training to ensure efficient and effective implementation of our integrated systems

K-TRONIC considers dedicated financial, technological and professional resources a productive investment and a significant element of its commitment to quality, safety and environment protection

Directions: K-tronic S.R.L. Production and Sales of Industrial membrane keyboards.
Via Alessandro Volta 31, 10040 Druento TO
Tel: (+39) 011/9941705 Fax: (+39) 011/9845281